CV - Serj Kirchano
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last update 2020

Serj Kirchano
Email: serjkirchanogallery [@]
Serj Kirchano is an artist, independent curator, teacher, concepteur and enableizator.
As an artist he's experimenting with painting, drawing, photography, architecture, poetry, writing, cinema, digital, etc.
As a curator his interests extend from the arising artists working with traditional mediums to the projects emerging on the edge of the present.
Lecturing at his own events such as : seminars & workshops, and at the 'Critical & Curatorial Studies School'
coming soon
* Graphic Design Specialization(CalArts):
- Fundamentals of Graphic Design, 2020, audit
* Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society, 2020
(University of Pennsylvania)
* School of Motion, 2019 - 2021
- Animation, AE, Mograph, Motion Graphics
* Game Design: Art and Concepts, 2016
( CalArts, California Institute of the Arts, Coursera )
- Introduction to Game Design
- Story and Narrative Development for Video Games
- World Design for Video Games
- Character Design for Videogames
* NYI ( Cognitive & Cultural Studies ) 2013 - 2019
NYI school 2019:
1. Data, Capitalism and Reality (Ulises Mejias, SUNY Oswego)
2. Images and Representations of Greatness in American and Russian history (Gary Marker, Stony Brook University)
3. Caribbean Critical Theory (Nikolay Karkov, SUNY Cortland)
4. Cult-H: Photography and the Post-human Image (Yola Monakhov Stockton, SUNY Buffalo State)
5. The Politics of Migration and Developmen (Bekeh Utietiang Ukelina, SUNY Cortland)
NYI school 2018 :
1. Art as a Social Act: Mapping St. Petersburg; Making the Invisible Visible
(Nobuho Nagasawa (Stony Brook University))
2. 12 Perspectives on Language (and everything else)
(Eugene Hammond, Stony Brook University)
3. The Media Economy: Theories of and Careers in New Media
(Konstantine Klioutchkine, Pomona College)
4. Bioethics: questions on consciousness and cognition
(Maria Kuvaldina, SUNY Farmingdale and St. Petersburg State University)
5. Postcolonial, Decolonial, Anti-colonial
(Nikolay Karkov, SUNY Cortland)
NYI school 2017 :
1. Radical theories (Nikolay Karkov, SUNY Cortland)
2. Ruins (Tanja Petrović, University of Ljubljana)
3. Bioethics (Maria Kuvaldina, SUNY Farmingdale and St. Petersburg State University)
4. Critical Internet Studies (Ulises Mejias, SUNY Oswego)
NYI school 2016 :
1. The Media Economy: Theories of and Careers in the New Media (Konstantine Klioutchkine, Pomona College)
2. Affirmative Negativity (Derek C. Maus, SUNY Potsdam)
3. The Politics of Humor in the Modern World (Tanja Petrović, University of Ljubljana)
4. When Walls Speak: Graffiti and Street Art Subculture
(Mitja Velikonja, University of Ljubljana)
NYI school 2015 :
1. Modern Cities; Modern Selves (Heather DeHaan, Binghamton University)
2. Straight-up Poetry (Polly Gannon, St. Petersburg State and Stony Brook University)
3. Satire and Society (Derek C. Maus, SUNY Potsdam)
4. Critical Internet Studies (Ulises Mejias, SUNY Oswego)
NYI school 2014 :
1. Postmodernity and Postmodernisms ( Peter Carravetta, Stony Brook University )
2. Experimental Cognitive Psycology ( Irina Sekerina, City University of New York )
3. Origins and Evolution of Language ( James R.Hurford ( Edinburgh University )
4. Digital Networks : Produce, Play or Protest ( Ulises Mejias, SUNY Oswego )
NYI school 2013 :
1. From Dawn to Dusk? : A Human History of Technology ( Prof. Paul Buckingham SUNY Morrisville )
2. Theorizing Media: How Industry Imagines Communities ( Konstantine Klioutchkine, Pomona College )
3. Collective Memory: The Story of What and How Societies Remember ( Lillian Park, SUNY, Old Westbury )
4. Freedom and Freedoms. Meanings, Texts, and Representations ( Gary Marker, Stony Brook University )
* ( 2013 )
*SPBU ( History Of European Arts ) 2009 - 2013
* Арт-форум Acomponenta - 10 марта 2019, Петербург, Голицын Холл
* Научная конференция 'Русское искусство второй половины XX – начала XXI вв', дек. 2018, Петербург, Art Square Gallery
* Конференция 'Заброшки или места культуры?', дек. 2018, Петербург, Yota LAb
* Форум Synergy Art Forum - июнь 2018 - Манеж, Москва
* Форум "Искусство и реальность" - ноябрь 2011, Президентская библиотека, Петербург
* Masterclass Series:
- Will Write, Game design & Theory
- David Mamet, Dramatic Writing
- Steve Martin, Comedy
- Jeff Goodby & Rich Silverstein, Advertising and Creativity

EXPOSITIONS and events
- September - Launch of Accelero Talks
- June - ‘Les Coraux’ Premiere
- April - DZVI festival
- March - Acomponenta (art forum)
2018 :
- July - working as a teaching assistant of Nobuho Nagasawa at ( Петербург )
- June 24-July 8 - Фестиваль Режиссерских Искусств Искусств INTERMISSION - @ Порт Севкабель ( Петербург ), Музей Стрит-арта ( Петербург ), галерея Пересветов Переулок ( Москва ), Библиотека Достоевского ( Мовкса )
- April 17 - Фестиваль Перформативных искусств ДЖВИ - @ Голицын Холл, Петербург
- April 5-April 21 - WABBLAND premiere tour - Paris, Helsinki, St-Petersburg, Moscow
2017 :
December 12 - персональная выставка 'Capsule Magique' ( специальный гость - Дмитрий Николаев ) - paintings & drawings @ GorArtist Gallery - Saint-Petersbourg
December 5 - персональная выставка 'Capsule Magique' ( специальный гость - Дмитрий Николаев )- @ Галерея Вскладчину - Голицын Холл Saint-Petersbourg
July 26 - персональная выставка 'Радикальная ценность' - @ Галерея Вскладчину - Голицын Холл Saint-Petersbourg
- Feb - architecture drawings - expo - @ Интимное Место/Лаборадория Saint-Petersbourg
- Jan 22 - Feb 5 - architecture drawings - expo - Moscow, @ ЛЕС ( park Museon )
- Jan 12 - Art-Auction La Pomp #2 - @ WELCOME - Saint-Petersborg
2016 :
- Dec 18 - Art-Auction La Pomp #1 - Moscow, @ ЛЕС ( park Museon )
- April 5 - May 5 : Drawings @ Welcome ( Nevsky, 48 ), Saint-Petersbourg
- JAN 24, 2016 ( Mpscow ) : presentation of the project Wabbland Universe & my first short animation video - @ Anastasia Skavronskaya
Decembre - commissioned drawings for NYI 2015 poster ( )
- NOV-DEC 2015 : Published all my e-books ( material from 2003 - 2015 yrs ) :
- NOV 1, 2015 - JAN 31, 2016 : participation in The Wrong Biennale ( ) as a curator for the QUANTUM LOLLIPOP online/offline pavilion :
Septembre, 2 - 14 - Novossibirsk - @ Pchela Loft - expo - digital sketches
May - currently on exposition - Paris - @ The LOft Boutique Hotel - expo - commissioned drawings
May, 21 - Paris - @ Mixed Id Project - one day expo - drawings
May 16 - June 25 - Saint-Petersbourg - @ DiDi Gallery - expo - drawings
April - currently on exposition - @ Kofe Na Kuhne - 1 drawing
April 1 - May 2 - Paris - @ La Galerie Balades Sonores - expo - drawings ( )
March - Saint-Petersbourg - 'Бремя Целокупности' - one day expo - paintings/drawings - @ Anastasia Skavronskaya
JAN - started thinking about Wabbland Universe project in St-Petersbourg
Decembre - commissioned drawings for NYI 2014 poster ( )
Decembre, 14-21 - Saint-Petersbourg - @ Miroedova School - expo - drawings
Novembre, 8 - Saint-Petersbourg - one day expo - drawings @ Serj Kirchano Gallery
Octobre, 20 - Moscow - pop-up expo -drawings - @ my friend's place ( Mikhail )
June, 25 - Saint-Petersbourg - one day expo - drawings @ Serj Kirchano Gallery
April 2014 - March 2015 - Saint-Petersbourg - @ Kofe Na Kuhne - expo - drawing
May - Novossibirsk - @ Шкаф - expo - drawings
February - April - Saint-Petersbourg - @ Nevsky, 8 - drawings
Octobre - Paris - participation in Exposition In vitro - « Process de création architecturale » @ Musee d'architecture en il de France
June - May 25 - started the '(No!) Preconceptions' serie in Saint-Petersbourg
Novembre - Saint-Petersbourg - @ Hundertwasser Bar - expo - paintings
March - Novossibirsk - expo - @ Ogorod Show-room - photography
March - Novossibirsk - @ ГЦИНК - expo - paintings / poetry / photography
January - Saint-Petersbourg - @ Stirka bar - expo - photography
Moscow - John Poor - playing drums - @ gigs
Novembre - Moscow - expo - paintings @ my Mikhail's place
Octobre - Ufa - @ Gethe-Institut - expo - photography
Works held in private collections in Russia, the United States, UK, France, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Finland, etc.
Urbanist, Cover and an image inside, vol. 1, 2015
NYI Broshure, an image inside, 2014
CATALOGUE DE L’EXPOSITION, Exposition In vitro - « Process de création architecturale », images inside, 2013
Serj Kirchano is a trip.